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hser shee

I am a student at New America school

my favorite movie

when I was in thailand and I was 10 grade I read a comic book. I was crying and I love it a lot.And last year I watched the movie and I cried again.

my lovely house.

someday I really want to buy a beautiful house, and a lovely dog.

My favorite movie.

My favorite movie is mr bean. because that is a funny movie.

my favorite subject

M favorite subject is English. Because some day I am going to go to colege and I should learn more english.

my aim

My aim is to be a social worker. I hope someday if I finished college, I would like to go back to my country and help people who are in trouble.

my favorite food

hi! my name is Hser! I am from Thailand. but I am not Thai. I am karen. and my favorite food is kee ku daw. I always eat that everyday. but now I do not eat kee ku daw because that is not in here. but I hope some day I will find it in America.

good friend.

Hi! my name is hser.can u be a good friend with me?