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hser shee

I am a student at New America school



my favorite movie

when I was in thailand and I was 10 grade I read a comic book. I was crying and I love it a lot.And last year I watched the movie and I cried again.

my lovely house.

someday I really want to buy a beautiful house, and a lovely dog.

My favorite movie.

My favorite movie is mr bean. because that is a funny movie.

my favorite subject

M favorite subject is English. Because some day I am going to go to colege and I should learn more english.

my aim

My aim is to be a social worker. I hope someday if I finished college, I would like to go back to my country and help people who are in trouble.

my favorite food

hi! my name is Hser! I am from Thailand. but I am not Thai. I am karen. and my favorite food is kee ku daw. I always eat that everyday. but now I do not eat kee ku daw because that is not in here. but I hope some day I will find it in America.

good friend.

Hi! my name is hser.can u be a good friend with me?

thailand waterfall

Hello! My name is Hser Shee. I am from Thailand. I just wanna tell you about the waterfall in Thailand. we have too many watefalls, and their are so beautiful. And alot of people from many countries, they go visit our country.And they said, Thailand country is very beautiful country. And if they have time they will come back again.I hope some day you will visit my country, and have fun.

hser shee

Hello ! my name is Hser Shee. Today i would like to tell you about the blog, I am going to write. i am going to write about my favorite famouse in thailand. His name is Kade. He is the most handsome in Thailand.i chose the subject, i am going to blog, because I really like him.I just want you to know my favorite thailand famous

hser shee

i am hser I am from Thailand

hser shee

I am karen.



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